Pizza, pasta, dessert for dinner…not my kid! Shrimp and gourmet mac ‘n cheese and, Oh yea, jello! Love this kid to death! I can’t believe he is 5!! Where does the time go? Enjoy these recipes with your family and make some great memories!
Old Bay Steamed Shrimp!
I use equal parts beer, white vinegar and water in my largest deepest frying pan. Don’t be afraid to do 2-3 different batches. Ideally, you want one layer of shrimp so they can cook evenly.
Shake on the Old Bay!
Cook until pink!

(seen in post from 02/28/14- Old Bay Co.Shrimp Recipe)
Gourmet Mac ‘N Cheese
1 lb. Cavatappi pasta, cooked to al dente
2 tbsp. olive oil
3/4 cup sour cream
1/2 cup heavy whipping cream (more if too dry)
4 cups freshly grated white sharp cheddar cheese
1/4 cup freshly grated parmesan cheese
Salt, pepper.

Preheat oven 350 degrees!
Mix all ingredients together and add to baking dish.
Salt and pepper the top!

Cover and refrigerate if you want to make ahead.

Before baking, Cover with foil.
Bake for 45mins-1 hour until firm and golden around the edges.

We have some partying to do! Enjoy!