My name is Terri and I am a breakfast skipper. BSA- Breakfast Skippers Anonymous, anyone? We need meetings! We all do it! Coffee only in the early AM and by 11 we are shoving anything and everything into our mouths. On my quest for health and anti-aging, I have incorporated oatmeal 4-5 mornings into our family’s breakfasts. Boring yucky oatmeal? No way! You should know me better than that by now!
Sidenote, the kids are eating it and loving it, too!
I have adapted my mason jar oatmeal recipes from this I found on Pinterest-

Basic Mason Jar Fruit Oatmeal Recipe:
1/4 cup old fashion rolled oats,uncooked.
1/3 cup almond milk
1/4 cup vanilla Greek yogurt
2 tsp. chia seeds
Additions based on flavor-
1/3 cup fresh fruit/nuts
1 tbsp. honey
Add oats, chia seeds, yogurt and almond milk to a mason jar and shake well.
Add fruit and other additions.
Add plastic lid. (Get these on amazon)
Refrigerate overnight and use in 3-4 days.
Here is our favorite right now!

After shaking, we add strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and 1tsp. honey! Mix! Refrigerate! Use within 3-4 days!
Please visit their page- many, many flavors to try!!
I get my jars and lids on Amazon! $8.00/12 pack! Grab plastic lids, too- easy to work with!
Today, we made warm S’mores Oatmeal! It was a total hit!

S’mores Oatmeal!
1 – portion quick oats, cooked
1 graham cracker crushed
1 tbsp.dark chocolate chips
1 tbsp. raisins
1 tsp. chia seeds
2 tbsp. mini marshmallows
A little drizzle of Hershey’s chocolate syrup!
Mix in chocolate chips and raisins, chia seeds and marshmallows.
Top with graham cracker crumbles and drizzle with chocolate syrup!