Meet the baker! Enrico Biscotti’s own Jonathan Polley! A 28-year-old husband and father, Jonathan stumbled upon a job that has become his true passion in life.

Not really sure what he wanted to be when he grew up, but technically an Economics major, Jonathan started his career at Enrico Biscotti as a dish washer.
Under the instruction of the great Larry Lagattuta, Enrico Biscotti’s proprietor, Jonathan has developed a love for mixing dough and found his calling as a baker.

He became immersed in an apprenticeship over the past six years centering on his desire to learn, quest for perfection, and a dedication to see the company grow and flourish. I was and am so impressed by his confidence and knowledge.

Jonathan never skipped a beat while slicing fresh mozzarella and roma tomatoes as I endlessly questioned him about Erico’s history, his boss, his development as a baker, his future goals, and of course his personal life!
The story of how Enrico Biscotti came to be is no fairy tale but a twist of fate for a man who had a love for baking. Jonathan explained how Larry Lagattuta switched from the corporate world to the baking world. It is no wonder that Larry sees the potential in employees like Jonathan and a few others I met like him, Adam and Ryan for sure. Larry teaches them his art, his process. He let’s them mess up and come into their own, to become great.
The second time I caught up with Jonathan it was 5am on a Saturday morning for bread making. Jonathan was in his element, I saw something glowing in him that day.

Effortlessly, he mixed the dough, explained the humidity challenges of a baker, rolled out perfect loaves atop a cornmeal lined table, and raved about the brick exposed wood-fired oven. The bread is baked the morning after the oven was used and is still very hot!

As I opened the door to the café, where 1500lbs. of flour is mixed and transformed each week, I smelled and saw the enormous freshly baked scones! Ryan was adding a beautiful finishing drizzle. Enrico’s pastries are gorgeously presented and super huge!!!

Biscotti translated means “twice baked cookie” and it is the obvious top seller. Jonathan says the macaroons are a close second, but everything is delicious!
Enrico Biscotti offers both first and last Friday dinners and Bread making class with Larry one Sunday per month!

Using the freshest ingredients, and Larry’s grandmother’s recipe, Enrico Biscotti is built on a biscotti but held together with the love and passion of its people!
I wish Larry, Jonathan and the Enrico Biscotti family the best as the company prepares for its near future production facility expansion. I can’t wait to hear what’s next!
To schedule first/ last Friday dinners or to enroll in a bread class head to
2022 Penn Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15222