
Category: Shopping

Rub A Dub, Dub Three Men In A Tub: You Have Met The Butcher, Now Meet The Baker!

I enjoyed the freshest slice of toast ! A loaf sliced right out of the oven! With butter? Of course! Heaven!

Meet the baker! Enrico Biscotti’s own Jonathan Polley! A 28-year-old husband and father, Jonathan stumbled upon a job that has become his true passion in life.

Meet Jonathan!  "Bread is made from four ingredients- flour, water, yeast and salt. It's not hard to make when you figure it out."
Meet Jonathan! “Bread is made from four ingredients- flour, water, yeast and salt. It’s not hard to make when you figure it out.”
Jonathan's mark! Did you know the bakers mark dates back to the birth of bread making! Jonathan explained that one town square had one oven and the townspeople  marked the bread to show ownership! Every baker at Enrico Biscotti marks his own loaves!
Jonathan’s mark! Did you know the baker’s mark dates back to the birth of bread making! Jonathan explained that one town square had one oven and the townspeople marked the bread to show ownership! Every baker at Enrico Biscotti marks his own loaves!

Not really sure what he wanted to be when he grew up, but technically an Economics major, Jonathan started his career at Enrico Biscotti as a dish washer.
Under the instruction of the great Larry Lagattuta, Enrico Biscotti’s proprietor, Jonathan has developed a love for mixing dough and found his calling as a baker.

Working at a good pace and being very precise, Jonathan exudes a contagious positive baking environment. The music was on and it didn't feel like 5am! Time to create something special!
Working at a good pace and being very precise, Jonathan exudes a contagious positive baking environment. The music was on and it didn’t feel like 5am! Time to create something special!

He became immersed in an apprenticeship over the past six years centering on his desire to learn, quest for perfection, and a dedication to see the company grow and flourish. I was and am so impressed by his confidence and knowledge.

My first meeting was at Enrico's café nestled in a small brick alley lined with white lights next to the bakery's store front. (How have I never noticed the café? )
My first meeting was at Enrico’s café nestled in a small brick alley lined with white lights next to the bakery’s store front. (How have I never noticed the café? )

Jonathan never skipped a beat while slicing fresh mozzarella and roma tomatoes as I endlessly questioned him about Erico’s history, his boss, his development as a baker, his future goals, and of course his personal life!

The story of how Enrico Biscotti came to be is no fairy tale but a twist of fate for a man who had a love for baking. Jonathan explained how Larry Lagattuta switched from the corporate world to the baking world. It is no wonder that Larry sees the potential in employees like Jonathan and a few others I met like him, Adam and Ryan for sure. Larry teaches them his art, his process. He let’s them mess up and come into their own, to become great.

The second time I caught up with Jonathan it was 5am on a Saturday morning for bread making. Jonathan was in his element, I saw something glowing in him that day.

Whether he listens to the thumping rhythm of the dough hitting the mixer or the moist crackling of the dough, Jonathan walked away and instinctually "felt" how long the dough needed mixing!
Whether he listens to the thumping rhythm of the dough hitting the mixer or the moist crackling of the dough, Jonathan walked away and instinctually “felt” the mixing time.

Effortlessly, he mixed the dough, explained the humidity challenges of a baker, rolled out perfect loaves atop a cornmeal lined table, and raved about the brick exposed wood-fired oven. The bread is baked the morning after the oven was used and is still very hot!

The bread is cooked from the heat retained by the wood-fired oven dishes cooked the previous evening.
The bread is cooked from the heat retained by the wood-fired oven! It takes days to really cool down.
Sneak peek inside the oven!! Almost done! Jonathan taps the loaves to check their progress!
Sneak peek inside the oven!! Almost done! Jonathan taps the loaves to check their progress!

As I opened the door to the café, where 1500lbs. of flour is mixed and transformed each week, I smelled and saw the enormous freshly baked scones! Ryan was adding a beautiful finishing drizzle. Enrico’s pastries are gorgeously presented and super huge!!!

The drizzle adds a beautiful finish to the scones!! Look how big!!
The drizzle adds a beautiful finish to the scones!! Look how big!!
Even the biscotti are gigantic!
Even the biscotti are gigantic!

Biscotti translated means “twice baked cookie” and it is the obvious top seller. Jonathan says the macaroons are a close second, but everything is delicious!

Enrico Biscotti offers both first and last Friday dinners and Bread making class with Larry one Sunday per month!

I enjoyed the freshest slice of toast ! A loaf sliced right out of the oven! With butter? Of course! Heaven!
Warm, fresh bread right out of the oven with butter! Heaven!

Using the freshest ingredients, and Larry’s grandmother’s recipe, Enrico Biscotti is built on a biscotti but held together with the love and passion of its people!

I wish Larry, Jonathan and the Enrico Biscotti family the best as the company prepares for its near future production facility expansion. I can’t wait to hear what’s next!

To schedule first/ last Friday dinners or to enroll in a bread class head to www.enricobiscotti.com
2022 Penn Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15222





Pregnant Peppers?

Peppers growing inside of peppers…

Tiny baby green peppers! Awww so cute but I don't want to find them inside my pepper!
Tiny baby green peppers! Awww so cute but I don’t want to find them inside my pepper!

Lately, many peppers I have cut open contain tiny baby peppers growing inside of them! I just throw them away while cleaning out the seeds! Do people eat these little peppers? What are they? Are peppers safe if they have these parasitic twins inside?

Apparently, the scientific term is “internal proliferation.” The way it is formed is called “parthenocarpy” the formation of fruit without fertilization. Botanists have seen these abnormalities since 1891!

Image from "Bite-sized Biology" as this issue was discovered in the "Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club."
Image from “Bite-sized Biology” as this issue was discovered in the 1891 “Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club.”
I have seen green and yellow mini peppers inside of red, orange, yellow and green peppers! Even in jalapeños!
I have seen green and yellow mini peppers inside of red, orange, yellow and green peppers! Even in jalapeños!

As for its safety, nobody really knows! Some say they are perfectly safe to eat and others say they are alien babies placed in peppers to attack our brains…what??????
Plant breeders and USDA researchers consider this abnormal mini pepper undesirable, so I do, too. Throw them out! For now!


If Yours Have Less Than 30 Ingredients, You Are Lucky!!

My grandma always has cookie sheets of hard bread in her oven. It’s just the way it is and always has been for as long as I can remember at my grandparents’ house.  Empty the oven before use or, as grandma says, “Oh my God, Oh my God,” you might smell a little something burning!! Breadcrumbs are never on the grocery list.

Why do we buy breadcrumbs? If you are lucky, your store bought plain jane breadcrumbs contain less than 30 ingredients. 30??? Hmmmmm, basic bread contains flour, yeast, salt and sugar…ok that’s 4?

What a great habit to start!! I like knowing exactly what I'm eating even down to the crumbs.
What a great habit to start!! I like knowing exactly what I’m eating even down to the crumbs.
The store shelves are lined with such a big variety!
The store shelves are lined with such a big variety!
Progresso  plain  breadcrumbs ingredients list...high fructose corn syrup? Why?
Progresso plain breadcrumbs ingredients list…high fructose corn syrup? Why?

Mary Ann Esposito, creator and star of the best cooking show ever Ciao Italia ( I might be a superfan) posed this exact question on her blog and I had to ask her…what about Panko? See her blog and her response to me in the comments section…


Mary Ann Esposito’s Homemade BreadCrumbs

Stale days old or frozen country bread.
Bake in 300 degree oven until hard and brittle.
Roll with a rolling pin.

In a recent New York Times article “Left with the Crumbs? Lucky You,” Melissa Clark discusses the importance of homemade breadcrumbs and her personal method! She uses a food processor to make very fine breadcrumbs. Do the breadcrumbs change the taste of the food? You bet!


I had a BreadWorks baguette from Easter! Getting hard it is like a baseball bat!
I had a BreadWorks baguette from Easter! It sat in my oven and I used my grinder to make homemade breadcrumbs!

For starters, Throw your bread ends in a cloth on your counter or on a cookie sheet in your oven. Have a few ends? Bake them and have fresh breadcrumbs on hand! Experiment with different types of bread at different stages.
Experiment with flavors. Add dried oregano, thyme, basil, garlic powder.
Bread some chicken and taste test!

My favorite tasting breadcrumbs are made from slices of fresh bread baked until hard, and then ground. You lose the stale taste that we have become accustomed to with the preservatives added to processed breadcrumbs. They are more crisp and fresh!

Ready to smash these!! Great stress reliever, too!

I realize daily that I am my grandma, and I am greatly humbled that so much of her stuck. I wish we lived closer now so my kids could have more of her influence!

I realize daily how much I have learned from my grandma, and I am so grateful for the time I spent with her throughout my childhood. I wish we lived closer so my kids could have even more of her influence.





Mother ‘s Day Is May 11, 2014! Give Her A Gift She Won’t Take Back!

My eyes welled with tears as my new, unsteady walker Brady struggled to carry my Mother’s Day gift across the room. I was excited to see the recognizable jewelry store logo. A gift was completely unnecessary to me, my Brady was the perfect little present, but Kevin purchased something special this year. After all, I had been a stay at home mom for one whole entire year! Previously swearing this lifestyle was so “not me,” I think Kevin was showing his appreciation of my new found talents- homemade dinners, desserts, endlessly entertaining family and friends, etc. That year had definitely marked the birth of the Parmesan Princess!!

My tears of joy immediately turned into real tears as I peered at the contents that were so carefully placed inside the beautiful box. A pearl, sapphire and gold necklace blinded me with its overdone gaudiness and, pearls?? Bright yellow Gold??? How could God have let him be so off? Does he even know who I am??

My face said it all. Unfortunately, I’m not one of those people that can fake it. Kevin was devastated. Ok, there was still another box in the bag. Redemption time? Nope. My worst nightmare, matching earrings! With one shiny pearl dangling from each one! Poor Kevin, he tried! Massive, massive gift fail.

I ended up getting a great pair of diamond studs and we laugh about that Mother’s Day now!
What we have learned, I mean Kevin, of course.

1. Mother’s Day Best Bets are homemade, DIY gifts from the heart. From the kids!
2. Reserve jewelry, apparel items, handbags and shoes for birthday, Christmas, anniversary. Consult my best friend before purchasing anything.
3. A gift where I have mommy time sans the family, although I love them all dearly, is awesome!

That brings us to the Best Mother’s Day Gifts!

Painted flower pot, vase, trivet, drawings, paintings, helper vouchers, breakfast in bed…

Super cute Chalkboard necklace!  http://www.henryhappened.com/diy-chalkboard-necklace-guest-gal-cat.html
Super cute Chalkboard necklace!
Etched Dish by Make It Love It http://www.makeit-loveit.com/2010/06/glass-etching.html
Etched Dish by Make It Love It http://www.makeit-loveit.com/2010/06/glass-etching.html


Mommy Time
Spa certificate, Starbucks card and a book, hair salon appointment, enrollment in a special exercise or hobby class.

How about Grandma? Spoil her! How many times does grandma help with the kids so you can go out? And saves you a $60-80 babysitting fee? The grandkids will make something sweet, but chances are grandma would love a splurge! Buy her something she would never buy herself. A classic, beautiful handbag. Maybe a Tory Burch cuff bracelet or a fun Spring scarf!

This cute Kate Spade bag is under $200!  http://m.katespade.com/flatiron-nylon-maryanne/PXRU4224%2Cen
This cute Kate Spade bag is under $200!

Happy Mother’s Day!!


Homemade Gruyere Scalloped Potatoes! Yellow Cheese is Fake Cheese- That Is What My Kids Will Tell You!

As we strive to learn the key ingredients in our forever young and healthy life recipe, we are experimenting with superfoods, eating more vegetables, and taking the processed “fake” ingredients out of our diets. A deli worker told my kids that cheese is white and yellow cheese is just white cheese dyed yellow. True statement, BUT they translated that into “fake” cheese. Ever since, I have been on a mission to make dishes with “fake” cheese alternatives. This led to our latest obsessions with Fontina, Manchego and my absolute favorite, Parano.

Always grate your own cheese. The difference in taste, freshness, and basic cooking properties will blow you away.
Always grate your own cheese. The difference in taste, freshness, and basic cooking properties will blow you away.

Gruyere is known to make the best potato casseroles, so I tried it for Easter!! 100% correct! Gruyere did not dissappoint! In fact, I can’t remember what cheddar scalloped potatoes even taste like anymore! Here is my recipe!

Gruyere Scalloped Potatoes

7 large potatoes scrubbed and sliced into 1/8 inch rounds
1 large onion chopped
2 cloves of garlic finely chopped
3/4 cup heavy cream
1 lb. freshly grated gruyere cheese
2 tbsp. finely chopped parsley
1/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan

My little helpers love scrubbing the potatoes! Get the kids get involved! They will eat it because they made it!
My little helpers love scrubbing the potatoes! Get the kids get involved! They will eat it because they made it!


Warm the cream and garlic in a scauce pot and add 2 cups of Gruyere 1/2 cup at a time continuously stirring.

Gruyere melts beautifully, no chunks. Perfect consistency!
Gruyere melts beautifully, no chunks. Perfect consistency!

Add sliced potatoes to a deep baking dish.

I sliced them pretty thin to make sure they cook! 1/8 Inch is perfect!
I sliced them pretty thin to make sure they cook! 1/8
Inch is perfect!

Pour cheese/cream mixture from the saucepan over the potatoes.

Mix well and coat all potato slices.
Mix well
and coat all potato slices.

Top with the remaining Gruyere cheese, the Parmesan, parsley, salt and pepper.

Bake for 1 hour and 20 minutes at 350 degrees. It will be creamy and bubbly. Mix well and let stand 10 minutes to thicken and serve hot!

Indescribable flavor burst with only a few ingredients!! You would think there had to be extra ingredients in this dish like sour cream, cream cheese, many different grated cheeses? Nope! Welcome to the power of Gruyere!
Indescribable flavor burst with only a few ingredients!! You would think there had to be extra ingredients in this dish like sour cream, cream cheese, many different grated cheeses? Nope! Welcome to the power of Gruyere!


Etsy in Wonderland…What a Talented World!

Carnival Party for two, please! My oldest is 5, sooooooooo this is probably the last time he will ever want a birthday party with his little sister.  (Until he wants to hang out with her friends when they get older!)  As soon as I have a theme, I search Etsy.  Call it my Pinterest, I like browsing Etsy vendors first because you can click add to cart and buy it right there!

I love to do cupcakes for kids birhday parties! Super easy! No cutting/serving/forks nightmare.
I love to do cupcakes for kids’ birhday parties! Super easy! No cutting/serving/forks nightmare.

I decided on an old fashioned carnival theme, red and turquoise for my color palate, and found the perfect invitation through CustomWrappers4U!  I had Theresa create matching return address labels, thank you notes and favor tags. I received them in no time, they were in envelopes and ready to go!  I have never experienced this kind of delivery speed and customer service with any other vendors!

Favor tags are easy details that add a nice personalized "thanks for coming " message. Yes, I still send a formal thank you note later. Remember, I'm old school. Many have told me it is outdated. (According to Emily Post, it is necessary!)
Favor tags are easy details that add a nice personalized “thanks for coming ” message. Yes, I still send a formal thank you note later. Remember, I’m old school. Many have told me it is outdated. (According to Emily Post, it is necessary!)
The address RSVP is cut off but these invites were perfect!!
The address RSVP is cut off but these invites were perfect!!

Etsy vendors make the best custom kids party outfits!  I found the perfect tutu birthday outfit for Bella on www.etsy.com/shop/taddletellshop  ! 

Taddletellshop makes the fullest, most gorgeous tutus I have ever seen!  Two sisters custom make these beautiful creations by hand! They carry a full line of birthday cupcake tutu sets as well as tutu Halloween costumes! I was wowed, totally impressed…and I’m a princess!

The fullest tutu ever!!
The fullest tutu ever!!

I wanted a matching shirt for Brady so I searched for a red and turquoise carnival theme boys shirt and found a circus tent shirt on GreatStitch! What a great story! Brenda’s great-grandma made a decorative, masterfully stitched coat for her mother out of simple flour sacks!  This coat is Brenda’s inspiration along with her motto “cute kids need cute clothes!”


I was lucky that they matched because I ordered from two different vendors.  Usually a definite Etsy rookie mistake! Somehow, they were perfect!  Thank you Jesus!
I was lucky that they matched because I ordered from two different vendors. Usually a definite Etsy rookie mistake! Somehow, they were perfect! Thank you Jesus!

I love supporting small business! The talented moms and grandmas who create these masterpieces are amazing!

Next time you need a party outfit, flower girl outfit, a special personalized T-shirt or a new supercute scarf for yourself, check out ETSY!  It has been good to me!

Thank you to CustomWrappers4U, GreatStitch and Taddletell for selling your wonderful products on Etsy for all of us to find and enjoy!

Coming up…the magician, the face painter, the decor, the menu! A carnival is a great party theme!!




You down with D.O.P ? Yeah, you know me!

D.O.P… How can I explain it…

Yes, I am a wife, mom, nanny, cook, maid, journalist, fashionista, and old school rap sponge!!! Do you get started and just can’t stop? (I hope it is not just me! Well, I know Kevin does it, too! Ha!)

Of course I pair it with the perfect shoulder bounce or hammer dance ; )
Of course I pair it with pursed lips, the perfect shoulder bounce maybe even a hammer dance ; )

I forgot to add tomato snob to the mix. The distinction between San Marzano tomatoes versus a can of whole peeled tomatoes is one of taste. The San Marzano tomatoes are sweeter, picked only when ripe, and grown in the richest of soil in Campania, Italy. Once you start cooking with San Marzano tomatoes and taste the difference you will NEVER use plain, old, sour whole peeled tomatoes in a can ever again. Pay the extra buck! So what is DOP?

DOP Approved!
DOP Approved!

DOP is a further designation that stands for Denominazione d’Origine Protetta from the European Union for the processed product. These tomatoes are grown at the base of Mount Vesuvious in rich soil blended with volcanic ash. This soil produces DOP certified tomatoes that have few seeds and cook down perfectly! DOP is written on the label and means completely legit by the European powers that be. So now you know what DOP means on your San Marzano can AND you know what to look for next time! My faves right now are Ciao brand! You can crush them with a potato masher and use them for pizza sauce…naked!!! Just add your toppings and seasonings!

Easiest pizza sauce ever!  Try it!  San  Marzano DOP!
Easiest pizza sauce ever! Spinach, tomato, mozzarella, salt and pepper! Try it!
San Marzano DOP!


Prantl’s Bakery in Pittsburgh named “The Greatest Cake America Has Ever Made!” Sweet!!

Pittsburgh’s own Prantl’s Bakery’s Burnt Almond Torte has been named “The Greatest Cake America Has Ever Made” today by Huffington Post! I spoke with co-owner Lara Bruhn at Prantl’s downtown store located in Market Square!! She was absolutely beaming amidst the super sweet news!

Prantl's Downtown location shares a space with Mancini's Bread! One stop baked goods!
Prantl’s Downtown location shares a space with Mancini’s Bread! One stop baked goods!

A Pittsburgh institution for over 40 years, Prantl’s flagship bakery in Shadyside has been a bakery for over 100 years!

A traditional German bakery, they can’t help but get excited about their new offerings like the most buttery, light and fluffy croissant you have ever put in your mouth!

Photo courtesy of Huffington Post! Perfectly Pittsburgh Burnt Almond Torte!
Photo courtesy of Huffington Post! Perfectly Pittsburgh Burnt Almond Torte!

Don’t live in Pittsburgh? No plans to visit? No problem!
Prantl’s will ship their famous Burnt Almond Torte!!



NatureBox! Delivered To Your Door! Healthy, Tasty, Affordable Snacks!! Sign Up Today!

We are adding chia seeds to our meals, making fresh veggies a staple,  and preparing homemade healthy meals instead of going out, BUT what are we eating in between meals?? Yeah, I took a fork to my son’s leftover birthday cake today because it was sitting on my kitchen counter saying “Eat Me!!!”

I didn't even cut a piece...who knows how much I ate!!!
I didn’t even cut a piece…who knows how much I ate!!!

What if we had super healthy snacks that could satisfy our sweet, salty, spicy cravings?? And were sitting on the counter ready to grab???
I found it!!

LOGO - "over 100 ways to snack happy" Sounds good to me!
LOGO – “over 100 ways to snack happy” Sounds good !

NatureBox!!! NatureBox ships one box of delicious healthy snack made from wholesome, minimally processed ingredients for you to enjoy every month!

How Do You Sign Up?

1. Pick a monthly box size of 5-10-20 snack bags!

2. Choose snacks or be surprised!

3. Receive your box and Enjoy!

Vanilla Macaroon Granola! Yummy!
Vanilla Macaroon Granola! Yummy!


Friends, Use code: snackhealthy and get 50% off your first box! Shipping is always free!!

I just ordered my first box! I can’t wait to hear from you!   Will we love it??


JBrand Jeans, Juicy Couture, Anthropologie, Splendid, Pier 1, Pottery Barn…Have You Experienced The Gabriel Brothers???

I said “Yes, I got it at The Gabriel Brothers? Have you ever been?” And everyone laughed, “Gabes?!” Once a degenerate, damaged item discount store, Gabes has transformed itself into a mecca for thrifty fashionistas!

From Spring clothing must haves to amazing home items, you can find some great pieces at this store! Trust me I am a princess and I can’t get enough! Rule #1- You must be in a shopping/hunting mood and have zero expectations. Rule #2- You must not let some of the “crazy I would never wear that” attitude distract you from the task at hand. Rule #3- If you don’t succeed, try try again! One day you hit the gold mine and the next time, totally nothing.

Let’s look at my latest hot Spring fashion buys!!! Great day!!

First look: Graphic wide leg pant paired with a racer back tank!

Anthropologie :

Anthropologie Tilted Wide Legs $118! This look was everywhere in Miami in March!
Photo Anthropologie Tilted Wide Legs $118! This look was everywhere in Miami in March!

This trend is huge THIS Spring!! So comfortable and effortless! BUT will it be around Next Spring???

Guess what I found at Gabes…

$12.99!! And I actually like this turquoise grey orange print better than the red/ navy!!
$12.99!! And I actually like this turquoise grey orange print better than the red/ navy!!

Next look: Casual, everyday tie front tunic dress or even swim cover up! Floral prints are in! Turquoise, coral, pastels are hot!


Anthropologie Serpentes Print Tunic $148! Great colors!
Anthropologie Serpentes Print Tunic $148! Great colors!

Guess what I found at Gabes…

$7.99!!! These colors pop!! Cute braided tie in front...I can wear it now with a brown legging and riding boots or flats and a cardigan!!
$7.99!!! These colors pop!! Cute braided tie in front…I can wear it now with a brown legging and riding boots or flats and a cardigan!!

Last look…Flirty, funky, floral minidress!


Anthropologie Rosewater Dress $148!! Cute and flirty- open back!
Anthropologie Rosewater Dress $148!! Cute and flirty- open back!

Guess what I found at Gabes…

$12.99!!! What???? I know , totally adorable!! Short and flirty and...
$12.99!!! What???? I know , totally adorable!! Short and flirty and…
Funky!!! The black crisscross strap detailing pops and adds and edge to this girl next door floral! I paired it will a strappy edgy open toed bootie!
Funky!!! The black crisscross strap detailing pops and adds and edge to this girl next door floral! I paired it will a strappy edgy open toed bootie!

Save your money for big classic items like a fabulous Louis Vuitton bag! Bargain shop the trends! You will be lucky to get one season out of them!

Check out The Gabriel Brothers! “Unbelievable”

Talk about trending, you can now follow Parmesan Princess on twitter @freshgratedparm!!

This post is dedicated to my #bargainbunnies #huntinghoneys #gabesgirlz #loyaltymemberloves #squeekycartsinners #Nikki #Kathy #XOXO
