I am thrilled to except this award!

Liebster is a German word meaning “sweetest, kindest, sweatheart,” and a Liebster award is passed along to a new blogger! The nominator chooses a blog that is new, sweet, charming, and intriguing, in an attempt to get to know the blogger behind the blog better! The idea is that the award will move through the blogging community like a chain letter. I have been nominated by the beautiful and talented Bethany at http://www.saltyblonde.com
Thank you my salty blonde friend!

11 Randoms About Me:
1. I am a mom of 2! Brady is 5 and Bella is 3!

2. Most days, I would rather cook than go out.
3. That being said, I could eat Mexican food everyday of my life, for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.
4. I met my husband while eating breakfast bagel sandwiches in the cafeteria of our office building. Food=Love!
5. I have never been able to replicate that exact breakfast sandwich. A warm bagel, not toasted, with super fluffy scrambled eggs, crisp almost burnt bacon,and a gooey cheese sauce that most definitely came from a generic large can. Fantastic!
6. I love to put outfits together, especially for others. I’m a good stylist if you ever happen to need one ; )
7. I am a bit OCD. I can’t relax or go to bed with a mess, a dirty dish in the sink, or the worst!! a clean dishwasher to unload.
8. I love Pittsburgh; shopping in the Strip District, the restaurants, the vibe.

9. I am the oldest of 5, which makes me the caretaker, the advice-giver, and the one who ensures everyone has enough to eat! (Plus leftovers)
10. I gained 75lbs. and 65lbs. with my pregnancies. Usually I weigh right around 100 lbs. I would eat the tops off of a dozen cupcakes driving 3 blocks.
(Not sharing a photo…ever!!)
11. I am humbled by this award and thrilled to be sharing my love of food with you!
Here are Bethany’s question to me and my answers:
1. Fave restaurant?
Right this minute it is Matteo’s in Lawrenceville! When I was there for Pittsburgh Restaurant Week, I had a dish I can’t stop thinking about…. The Porcini Cappelletti. It is amazing!

2. How did you meet your husband?
Funny how I chose this for one of my randoms. Over breakfast sandwiches!
3. Biggest Fear?
4. Celeb crush?
We all have our lists, don’t we?! David Beckham
5. Heels or Flats?
Heels. Being 5’2″, I dont feel like people take me seriously unless I am wearing high heels, but a perfect high wedge will do.

6. Any beauty trend you wish you could try?
Can you try botox/ fillers and never go back? I know I’m only 29 ; ) but I’m sure eventually I will need something.

7. Beach or CIty?
I love the sun! I actually begin to relax when I’m laying in a lounge chair with a good book, but the best restaurants seem to be in city!
8. Best Vacation Spot
We honeymooned in Aruba and it had everything! Beach, resorts, restaurants, shopping (Aruba had just opened a new Louis Vuitton store while we were there! And I got to pick out my wedding gift from Kevin ; )
9. Fave Movie?
I am not a movie person!
10. Biggest accomplishment?
Raising our two beautiful kids!

11. Favorite month?

December! We entertain all month! Baking, Cooking, cocktails, family and friends! It’s the best!
I am nominating the gorgeous and very talented Amy Wilson of http://www.amywilsonphotography.com, a photography blogger!

Amy, here are your questions:
1. If you could visit any country in the world, where would you go?
2. Solid cream cheese or whipped?
3. If you could go back and change one thing in your past, what would it be?
4. Where is your favorite driving distance travel destination and why?
5. Favorite magazine?
6. What does your favorite go-to outfit look like and how long have you had it?
7. Walking or running?
8. Did you eat wings with your husband while dating him?
9. What is your favorite sport? Team?
10. What is your #1 dish to bring to a party? Recipe?
11. What makes you smile the biggest in life?
Thanks again! Congrats, Amy!!